FITAS audit marking sheet

If you have any questions contact us:

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7186 5432

Email : [email protected]

Before obtaining accreditation of competence to install equipment to FCS1362, engineers are required to undertake a ‘live’ installation in the presence of a FITAS auditor. Every aspect of the installation is scored against the sections of FCS1362 (see below).  The Audit report records the candidate’s performance in the audit:

6.2       Installer presentation

6.2.1 Installer not appropriately dressed.  
6.2.2. No identity card or badge  
6.2.2 Incorrect identity card or badge  
6.3       Customer Experience

6.3.1 Installer did not arrive punctually on site.  
6.3.2 Installer did not provide his name  
6.3.2 Installer did not provide company name  
6.3.3 Installer did not provide adequate explanation of the work to be completed  
6.4       Vehicle Preparation

6.4.1 Installer did not carry out a pre-install check of the vehicle  
6.4.1 No customer signature obtained on pre-install check  
6.4.2 Vehicle bodywork not adequately protected during install  
6.4.2 Vehicle interior not adequately protected during install  
6.4.3 Site not suitable for completion of the  
6.4.4 Installer did not use appropriate personal protection equipment  
6.5       Work Instructions

6.5.1 The installer did not use job sheet  
6.5.1 Job sheet did not contain adequate information  
6.5.2 Installer did not have access to technical data re. vehicle.  
6.5.3 Installer did not have access to technical data re. equipment  
6.5.4 The installer did not have access to a copy of FCS 1362.  
6.5       Work Instructions

6.5.1 The installer did not use job sheet  
6.5.1 Job sheet did not contain adequate information  
6.5.2 Installer did not have access to technical data re. vehicle.  
6.5.3 Installer did not have access to technical data re. equipment  
6.5.4 The installer did not have access to a copy of FCS 1362.  
6.6       Tools and Equipment

6.6.1 The installer did not have access to the required general toolset  
6.6.2 The installer did not have access to required specialist tools  
6.6.3 Tools not adequately maintained  
6.6.3 Tools not correctly calibrated  
6.7       Method

6.7.1 Install does not comply with general FCS1362 guidance  
6.7.2 Equipment connected to the vehicle’s primary (i.e. 12V or 24V) power supply, not marked with either a “CE” mark or an ‘e’ approval mark..  
6.72 Equipment connected to the vehicle’s data bus(es) (e.g. ECU, CAN bus) does not carry an ‘e’ mark  
6.7.3 Installed equipment not securely mounted  
6.7.3 Installed equipment located in unsuitable –safety concern  
6.7.3 The equipment installation not in conformance with the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986  
6.7.3 Modification to the vehicle is dangerous  
6.7.3 There should be no rough, sharp or protruding edges that could be impacted by the vehicle occupants in an accident. The full details of the requirements placed on the vehicle manufacturer are defined in EC Directive 74/60/EC (see Appendix B).  
6.7.3 Installed equipment position obscures or obstructs instruments, vehicle controls or the swept area of the windscreen;  
6.7.3 Operation of installed equipment distracts or impedes the driver  
6.7.3 Equipment position does not conform to the requirements of relevant legislation e.g. 74/60/EC  
6.7.3 Equipment location or associated cables susceptible to damage during use  
6.7.3 Equipment location restricts ventilation  
6.7.3 Equipment exposed to water damage  
6.7.3 Equipment location bars access to items in the load storage area e.g. wheel jack, fire extinguishers, spare wheel  
6.7.3 Equipment connections not easily accessible to allow removal for operation in transportable mode, or for repairs and servicing  
6.7.4 Antennas not mounted safely in compliance with the detailed guidelines provided in FCS1362  
6.7.4 Positioning of antennas does not take account of minimising electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference  
6.7.5 Cables not routed safely in compliance with the guidelines provided in FCS1362  
6.8       Quality of Work

6.8.0 General quality of work completed does not comply with the requirements of FCS1362  
6.8.1 Trim removed using in appropriate method or equipment  
6.8.1 Trim removed not stored in an appropriate way.  
6.8.1 Redundant trim not disposed of in accordance with the guidance set out in FCS1362 and/or relevant legislation (WEEE).  
6.8.2 Holes not drilled in accordance with the guidelines set out in FCS1362  
6.8.3 Holes drilled through metal panels not treated with suitable anti-corrosion treatment


6.8.4 Equipment removed not tested  
6.8.4 Equipment removed not left in safe condition  
6.8.4 Redundant equipment not packed and left with the customer as required  
6.8.4 Redundant equipment not disposed of correctly  
6.8.5 Trim not replaced so as to restore the vehicle to its original condition  
6.8.5 Replaced trim compromises the operation of controls or moving parts (e.g. glove compartment)  
6.8.6 Tools not used correctly  
6.9       Post install checks

6.9.1 Vehicle or site not properly cleared  
6.9.1 waste disposed of  
6.9.2 The operation of any moving parts not checked  
6.9.3 Functionality of the installed equipment not checked  
6.9.4 Testing for interference with other equipment (including ICE) not carried out  
6.9.4 Rectification not completed in line with requirements of FCS1362  
6.9.5 Testing for interference not carried out with engine running  
6.9.6 Test results not recorded  
6.10     Sign off and handover

6.10.1 Installer did not check that the installation is in compliance with the customer’s requirements prior to handover.  
6.10.2 Installer did not demonstrate the correct operation and facilities of the new equipment.  
  Required documentation including special instructions not passed to the customer.  
6.10.3 Equipment details not recorded  
6.10.4 The customer should sign to state that the installation is satisfactory.  

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