Membership Terms and Conditions

Membership Requirements

As a member of FCS you agree to :

  • Support the FCS Mission
  • Comply with the Member’s Agreement and the FCS Articles of Association 
  • Comply with the FCS Ethical Code of Business Practice (see below).
  • Display the FCS symbol as appropriate (and to remove it if the company ceases to be a member).
  • Publication in the FCS Member Listing on the FCS website,, as appropriate.
  • Permit the use of the nominated representative contact name, position and company address for the purposes notified to the Data Protection Commissioner.

FCS Mission

The Federation of Communications Services provides a service to its members who deliver communications products and services to users in the UK, by helping to establish a favourable operating environment and by addressing issues associated with:

  • Access to and use of radio spectrum.
  • Regulation aimed at securing a fair competitive trading environment.
  • Environmental and corporate social responsibility.
  • Consumer needs and industry self regulation.
  • Technical matters affecting the industry.

FCS Ethical Code of Business Practice

  • Members of the FCS are committed to offering the highest standards of professional and ethical service to their customers.
  • Members must comply with relevant obligations as set out in UK legislation and regulation including the Communications Act 2003 and with Codes of Practice and Standards or Regulations agreed from time to time by the FCS Board of Directors or relevant members’ groups.
  • Members ensure that staff receive appropriate training, are encouraged to obtain relevant qualifications and maintain their professional skills.
  • Members carry an appropriate level of public liability insurance, the certificate for which will be displayed in all operating premises (notes 1 and 2).
  • In cases where the FCS has evidence that a member has breached the FCS Ethical Code of Practice, the FCS Board of Directors retains the right to expel the offender from membership of the FCS.


  1. The FCS does not either by this document, or in any other way, underwrite any liability between an FCS member and its customer or undertake any liability to any customer of an FCS member or third party.
  2. The customer should satisfy himself that such insurance does cover his requirements. The FCS does not check that members maintain such insurance cover and cannot be held liable in any way if a member should fail to take out or maintain such insurance cover.

Additional Information

Become an FCS Member

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