Two Openreach briefings: DSO Contacts and Chatbot trial

Posted on 20/02/2019Please find below the details of two Openreach briefings for our members – the first may require action from you, the second is an invite to join a proof of concept for chatbot development.Please login for further informationCathy...

MP briefings on “BT and Openreach” and “Full Fibre Networks”

Posted on 14/01/2019You may find these briefing papers, written for MPs, helpful. The first is an overview of the events leading to the BT/Openreach legal separation along with the timelines involved. The second sets out Government’s plans for promoting full-fibre...

Ofcom – International Stakeholder Forum

Posted on 22/07/2019 Ofcom’s International Stakeholder Forum featured discussions about the DCMs update on AVMS Directive Consultation, Transposition of the EECC, BEREC Update and EU Spectrum – RSPG & RSC.  Please find the slide presentation that was...


Posted on 02/02/2016 New Best Practice code on stolen devices launched for the mobile phone industry The Federation of Communication Services (FCS) has released a new landmark Code of Practice for gadget recyclers, to protect both consumers and reprocessors from...