The Cancellation of the BR / VTi 2022 Event

The BR / VTi Event has for some years provided the sole opportunity for the Business Radio and Vehicle Installer Community in the UK to meet with colleagues from all sides of the industry and discuss the matters of the day. During the 2022 Event planning, the FCS has...

Comms Business Awards 2022

We are delighted to announce that our CEO Itret Latif has been nominated for the Services To The Channel – Hall of Fame award at the Comms Business Awards 2022 taking place in London on 21st July. Cast your vote here

One Touch Switching (OTS) Working Groups

FCS have attended a series of One Touch Switching (OTS) Working Groups this week, including the process design walkthrough. We have also attended the first in a series of Gaining Provider Led (GPL) Business Switching Process meetings to ensure business switching for...

Ofcom Consultation – Future Approach to Mobile Spectrum

FCS has reviewed the detail of this Ofcom consultation on the Future Approach to Mobile Spectrum Our responses on what we have assessed to be the key areas are detailed in red here If members have additional input they wish to be considered, please let us know on...