Consultation Responses


From time to time FCS responds to consultation documents issued by UK Government or industry regulators – a full list can be found here and under individual groups.

2015 Consultations


FCS Response to Strategic Review of Digital Communications – Ofcom


FCS Response to Establishing World Class Connectivity Throughout The UK – DCMS

FCS Response to DG Competiton expressing members’ concerns about the Proposed Merger of Hutchison and Telefonica – European Union


FCS Response to Fixed Call Origination and Termination Markets – Ofcom


FCS/IMVNOx Joint Response to Competiton Issues arising from the proposed Merger of BT and Everything Everywhere – Competition & Markets Authority

2014 Consultations


FCS Response Tackling Partial Not-Spots in Mobile Phone Coverage – DCMS

FCS Response to (Preliminary) Passive Remedies in the Business Connectivity Market – Ofcom


FCS Response to UK Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy – DCMS


FCS Response to Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 – Ofcom


FCS Reponse to Business Plan – Phonepay Plus

2013 Consultations


FCS Response to The future use of the 700MHz Band – Ofcom


FCS Response to Simplifying Non-Geographic Numbers – Ofcom

FCS Response to Review of the Metering and Billing Direction – Ofcom



FCS Response to Price Rises in Fixed Term Contracts – Ofcom


FCS Response to Draft Annual Plan 2013-2014 – Ofcom


FCS Response to Withdrawal of the 0500 Number Range – Ofcom

2012 Consultations


FCS Response to Call for Inputs for the Wholesale Broadband Market Review – Ofcom

FCS Response to Call for Inputs for the Fixed Market Reviews – Ofcom


FCS Response to Draft Work Programme for 2013 – BEREC

FCS Response to Review and Update of the Common Positions on Wholesale Local Access, Wholesale Broadband Access and Wholesale Leased Lines – BEREC


FCS Response to Service Charge Caps for 09 and 118 Services – Ofcom


FCS Response to Review of Relay Services – Ofcom

FCS Response to Fibre Line Calls – Product Proposal – BT Wholesale

FCS Response to Simplifying Non-Geographic Numbers – Ofcom


FCS Response to Review of Alternative Dispute Resolution Schemes – Ofcom

FCS Response to Fixed Narrowband Market Review and Network Charge Control. Call for Imputs – Ofcom


FCS Response to Proposals to Change the Processes for Switching Fixed Voice and Broadband Providers on the Openreach Copper Network – Ofcom


FCS Response to Common Positions on Wholesale Unbundled Access, Wholesale Broadband Access and Wholesale Leased Lines – BEREC

FCS Response to Assessment of Future Mobile Competition and Proposals for the Award of 80MHz & 2.6Ghz and Related Issues (2nd) – Ofcom

FCS Response to Inquiry into Superfast Broadband – House of Lords


FCS Response to Draft Annual Plan 2012-2013 – Ofcom


FCS Response to Call for Inputs Around the Extension of PhonepayPlus Regulation to Remaining Revenue Sharing Ranges

2011 Consultations


FCS Response to Application of Non-discrimination Obligation Under Article 10 – EC

FCS Response to Costing Methodolgies for Wholesale Access – EC


FCS Response to Regulatory Enforcement – BIS

FCS Response to Fibre Only Exhanges – Openreach


FCS Response to Battery Back Up for Superfast Broadband – Ofcom


FCS Response Price Controls for Wholesale ISDN30 Services – Ofcom

FCS Response to Charge Control Review for LLU and WLR – Ofcom

FCS Response to Communications Review – DCMS


FCS Response to Assessment of Future Mobile Competition and Proposals for the Award of 800MHz and 2.6GHz Spectrum – Ofcom


FCS Response to Automatically Renewable Contracts – Ofcom


FCS Response to the General Conditions and Universal Service Conditions – Ofcom

FCS Response to Simplifying Non Geographic Numbers – Ofcom


FCS Response to Draft Annual Plan 2011 – Ofcom


FCS Response to Geographic Telephone Numbers – Safeguarding the Future of Geographic Numbers – Ofcom

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Developments on the UKCA Conformity Mark

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FCS Activity Update

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FCS Launches New Online Regulatory Training Modules

The Federation of Communication Services is delighted to launch its new member benefit; On-line Regulatory Training.

If you have any queries about the above or would like to contribute, please contact FCS directly: [email protected]