
FCS with Ofcom on COVID-19

Posted on 16/04/2020 Following FCS' recent letter regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the communications industry, we have been offered a meeting with Ofcom, which will take place next week - on Wednesday 22nd April. At that session FCS will be discussing the...

Openreach & Ofcom Response to FCS Request for COVID-19 Support

Posted on 15/04/2020 Following the letter sent by FCS last week, Openreach has introduced a number of commercial measures aimed at helping communications providers to manage business customers who have reduced or shut down their operations and wish to suspend their...

Corona Virus Update

Posted on 06/04/2020 Coronavirus Update: look out for the regular updates we’re emailing to you. On the 1 April we sent an update on: Openreach Escalations process, the delay to the Openreach 20/21 and the latest Ofcom statement on serving customers during the...

Ofcom – the future of fixed telephone services

Posted on 22/02/2019 Those of our members who were on the CSP call this week will recall that I mentioned a statement that Ofcom was due to publish on the changes afoot as we move to all IP. Please login for further information Cathy Gerosa [email protected] [private...

Two Openreach briefings: DSO Contacts and Chatbot trial

Posted on 20/02/2019Please find below the details of two Openreach briefings for our members - the first may require action from you, the second is an invite to join a proof of concept for chatbot development.Please login for further informationCathy...

MP briefings on “BT and Openreach” and “Full Fibre Networks”

Posted on 14/01/2019You may find these briefing papers, written for MPs, helpful. The first is an overview of the events leading to the BT/Openreach legal separation along with the timelines involved. The second sets out Government’s plans for promoting full-fibre...

Ofcom – International Stakeholder Forum

Posted on 22/07/2019 Ofcom's International Stakeholder Forum featured discussions about the DCMs update on AVMS Directive Consultation, Transposition of the EECC, BEREC Update and EU Spectrum - RSPG & RSC.  Please find the slide presentation that was shown at the...


Posted on 02/02/2016 New Best Practice code on stolen devices launched for the mobile phone industry The Federation of Communication Services (FCS) has released a new landmark Code of Practice for gadget recyclers, to protect both consumers and reprocessors from...