FCS Policy Positions

FCS Policy Positions


A vibrant, competitive, business-quality communications infrastructure is vital to Britain’s growth prospects.  In planning for the future, Government must recognise – and prioritize – the crucial role played by the communications network in general and professional business-quality communications in particular.

This requires putting comms at the very centre of policy thinking as a core enabler for the wider policy agenda of strengthening the UK’s global competitiveness, driving inward investment and enabling and encouraging the industries of tomorrow.

In the course of the 2015-2020 Parliament, FCS is campaigning for:


  • Government recognition via BEIS (formerly BIS) of the vital, enabling role of comms infrastructure and a vibrant reseller market in enabling UK growth.  IE: comms policy recognized as part of the wider business agenda, rather than a niche interest within DCMS.
  • Utility comms infrastructure (both active and passive) across all platforms on an open-access basis, owned and managed by industry stakeholders.
  • Gaining-Provider-Led switching across all platforms.
  • Clear metrics for determining Societal Benefit of comms infrastructure reserved for public services/non-commercial uses.
  • ‘Cyber security’ in its broadest sense recognised as a board-level responsibility in all companies, and priced accordingly by insurers.
  • Ofcom to be required to report annually to Parliament on the need for its continued existence.

You can find the detail of FCS policy positions by clicking on the links below.

Business Radio in the UK

Professional radiocommunications is an extremely important aid to the functioning of our whole society.  It is used to coordinate the actions of teams who provide use with a host of essential things.  To mention only a few, these things include:

  • Food in the shops
  • Electricity in our homes
  • Transport in all its forms
  • Emergency services
  • Security for your business premises
  • and so on.

This is not the same as the mobile you may carry in your handbag.  This is a completely different thing.  It is designed to be utterly reliable and able to withstand all sorts of adverse conditions where other communications might quickly fail.

The whole operational radiocommunications sector has been undergoing significant change as new user needs, technologies and opportunities emerge.  These changes not only present vital opportunities for the UK, they also challenge  long-held, regulatory assumptions and have, in the past, made even the most fundamental regulatory principles outmoded and continue to do so.

Because of the importance this form of radiocommunications, it is crucial that the regulatory environment supports the end goals, moving the UK forward.  The FCS is therefore delighted that Ofcom and other organisations understand the importance of this sector.

The Federation of Communication Services works very closely with expert teams within Ofcom and other organisations to ensure that the operations we need to have happen continue to be supported as they change and develop.

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